iKnowRadlogistik – A KNOWLEDGE and best practice map for bicycle logistics
The iKnowRadlogistik project at a glance
- Duration: 01/2023 till 12/2024
- Funded by: Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure within the scope of the National Cycling Plan (NRVP)
- Project sponsor: Federal Office for Goods Transport (BALM)
- Project consortium: Radlogistikverband Deutschland e.V. (RLVD) (consortium management), House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) GmbH, cargobike.jetzt (cbj) GmbH
About the iKnowRadlogistik project
Municipalities in Germany face the challenge of designing logistics processes in a sustainable manner. Bicycle logistics projects play an important role in this context, as they make a significant contribution to an emission-free last-mile. At present, however, there are hardly any suitable knowledge databases, planning guides or systematic collections of best practice available to those responsible. This is where the iKnowRadlogistik project comes in.
The aim of the project is to create a nationwide knowledge map that provides all those involved with the knowledge they need to implement bicycle logistics projects, e.g. By providing up-to-date information on micro depots, key players, useful best practice examples as well as by listing funding programmes and other support options. Recommended courses of action should also be developed within the scope of the project – both for a specialist audience and for bicycle logistics novices.
Further information about the project can be found on the project’s website.
The contact persons responsible for the project at HOLM GmbH are Senior Project Manager Dr Franziska Wouters and Junior Project Manager Elsa-Jeannine Kubalski.