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© 2025 House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) GmbH

Logo Innovations und Netzwerkmanagement der House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) GmbH The HOLM Way Of Innovation – Innovation and network management

We connect people and opportunities

At times when the way forward is unclear. When you ask yourself: Who can I call on for help and support? From brainstorming to project compilation and implementing cross-company consortium projects to business expansions and roll-out as a start-up:
We connect people and opportunities.
We network the activities of each individual partner and in doing so strengthen their power to innovate.

Network management

We support our partners by bringing them together in networks. Professional dialogue and cooperation in logistics, mobility and aviation are at the heart of what we do. In this way, individual barriers give way to the strength of joint activities and experiences.

Promoting innovation

We support SMEs, universities and research institutions with projects in basic research and applied sciences. Numerous innovation projects have already been successfully supported in this way.

Innovation management

We are an active partner in project management or lead projects as a sole mandated lead. Whether its small or transnational projects with over 32 project partners, we make our professional contribution to their success.

Industry laboratories

We set up industry labs. Our neutral position allows us to quickly test project content across companies. There are similar challenges throughout Germany. Why work on them alone? Why not make use of collective strength and knowledge and thereby conserve your own resources? We make this possible, for example at the Future Aviation Lab.


HOLM GmbH supports start-ups with its own programmes and monitors their development. Our community programme and networking opportunities enable faster growth and those who convince a prominent jury will be able to set up their own corporate headquarters at HOLM itself, among almost twenty universities and over forty companies.

Personen am Messestand


We bring our partners together in networks. Professional dialogue and cooperation in logistics, mobility and aviation are at the heart of what we do. In this way, individual barriers give way to the strength of joint activities and experiences.

Personen brainstormen

Promoting innovation@HOLM

We support SMEs, universities and research institutions with projects in basic research and applied sciences. Numerous innovation projects have already been successfully supported in this way.

Promoting innovation@HOLM
Person mit VR-Brille


We are an active partner in project management or lead projects as a sole mandated lead. Whether its small or transnational projects with over 32 project partners, we make our professional contribution to their success.

Digital Transformation
Person hält Werbeflyer des Start-up-TAg


We support start-ups in their development. Our community programme and networking opportunities enable faster growth and those who convince a prominent jury will be able to set up their own corporate headquarters at HOLM itself, among almost twenty universities and over forty companies.


Would you like to find out more? Then get in touch with us!